Pacific Cascade Middle School
Counseling Center
The mission of the PCMS counseling center is to provide a comprehensive program that supports the academic and personal development of all students as they navigate middle school and prepare for the future.

What We Do
What Is the Role of a School Counselor?
Provide support for academic, social/emotional and career oriented needs
Individual student academic planning
Classroom guidance lessons
Small group counseling activities
Short term counseling support
Referral to SBMH Counselor for long-term support
Collaboration with families/students/administrator/community for student success
Advocacy for all students
Why Would I Talk to My Counselor?
Students come see us for many reasons including:
Help with grades
Strategies to have difficult conversations
Learning coping skills
Needing a safe space to taker a break from a stressful time
Learning about resources
Managing Grief/Loss
How Do I Contact My Counselor?
Students can make an appointment by coming to the counseling office, sending a Canvas message, or using our Calendly link in Canvas.
Caregivers may reach out to counselors through email or phone.
What is the Role of the School Based Mental Health Counselor?
Independent Licensed Social Worker, certified to diagnose and treat mental health conditions. Available to any student in the ISD. Referrals can be made through a student's counselor or directly to the SBHC.
What SBHC's Offer:
Short Term confidential counseling
Referrals for students and families for longer term counseling and community resources
PCMS Counseling Team
Laura Meserole
Last Name A-K

Miranda Williams
Last Name L-Z

Nicole Smith
Joy Wang
School Psychologist
Counselors at PCMS take student and family confidentiality seriously. Conversations with school counselors are confidential, meaning that we only share information with other important people if you give us permission. Like all school employees, we are mandatory reporters. We must break confidentiality if students reveal any of the items below:
~If someone is harming them
~If they are harming themselves
~If they are going to harm someone else
Keeping students safe is our #1 priority. Please feel free to contact us anytime if you are concerned about a student.