Pacific Cascade Middle School
Counseling Center
The mission of the PCMS counseling center is to provide a comprehensive program that supports the academic and personal development of all students as they navigate middle school and prepare for the future.
For excellent Social/Emotional resources, please see Northshore School District's Virtual Calm Down Room.
**For the most updated district support information including meal support and online learning resources, please click on the following link:
· Crisis Text Line – text START to 741741 www.crisistextline.org
· King County Crisis Connections 206-461-3222
· Trevor Project 1-866-4UTREVOR (488-7386) (specific toward LGBTQ youth)
· National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
· Teen Link 1-866-833-6546 www.teenlink.org
· Children’s Crisis Outreach Response Services (CCORS) through the Crisis Clinic 206-461-3222
*NEW: The Garage: Free virtual counseling sessions available for high school students age 13-18 years old. Meet with one of the Garage Counselors while maintaining Social Distancing! Appointments available Mondays and Tuesdays. Sign up for a private, confidential session here.
NEW! Washington’s Mental Health Referral Service for Children and Teens
This new referral service connects youth (ages 17 and under) and families with evidence-supported, outpatient, mental health services in the community. It is a free, telephone-based referral service funded by the Health Care Authority and operated by Seattle Children’s. Call 833-303-5437 Monday to Fri 8AM to 5PM or visit https://www.seattlechildrens.org/clinics/washington-mental-health-referral-service/
Walk-in Assessment Options: (recommend calling ahead to confirm details)
YES: For youth ages 6-22 that live in Redmond, Sammamish, Bellevue, or Kirkland, or attend the Lake Washington or Bellevue School Districts, Youth Eastside Services offers walk-in assessments on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-4PM at their Bellevue location, first come first served. For more information about the Open Access program or to schedule an appointment, call 425-747-4937. https://www.youtheastsideservices.org/services/openaccess/
Sound: Sound Mental Health offers walk-in assessments for adults ages 18 and over at their Bellevue office from 9A-2P on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Call 206-302-2300 for more information. https://www.sound.health/access-smh-services/#walk-in
Compass Health: Walk-in assessments for youth through age 18 are available at the Lynnwood office from 8:30-10:30AM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (ages 18 and over not in high school can be assessed in their upstairs adult office). It is recommended that families call ahead of time to confirm ability to be seen – 425-774-4269.
Information regarding the Food Bank
The Issaquah Food Bank plans to open on Monday (3/16/20), but in a different capacity.
· Families will no longer shop, instead they will have a drive up system and a bag of groceries will
be brought out to their cars in order to reduce human contact.
· At this point in time Power Packs are on pause.
· FYI- some of our families that are living in transitional housing or in Section 8 housing are being
provide Groceries 2 Go, a home delivery service for food (NOTE- the Food Bank is NOT taking new names for this service at this time, this is just an FYI).
· The Issaquah Food Bank is currently only receiving monetary donations (see next bullet point!).
· Community members who are looking for ways to support them can do so via this page on their
website: https://www.issaquahfoodbank.org/emergency-needs-list.
· They are also in need of volunteers (no one under the age of 16 years old. 16 and 17 year olds
must be accompanied by an adult: https://www.issaquahfoodbank.org/temporarily-unavailable
· The Food Bank serves ALL Issaquah School District students, even if a student lives in a different
city, they have access to these resources!
Community Meal Program
Nightly meals (Monday – Friday) at 5:30 pm for individuals of all ages are being provided at the Community Hall located between the Issaquah Police and Fire Stations.
中文 重要的ISD信息
• ISD在現場的工作人員
• 醫護人員
• 消防員,警察,護理人員,緊急醫療技術員
• 雜貨店員工
• 藥房員工
請通過兒童保育需求調查來幫助我們評估社區的需求水平。目前,我們確定了一個地點,並將會宣布其他可用的地點。當您完成需求調查後,如果您符合獲得免費的學校兒童照護的資格,我們的學校協調員將通過電子郵件或電話與您聯繫,以做出安排。照護時間是早上6點30分至晚上7點。可能的地點:Sunset 小學
· Briarwood Elementary
· Newcastle Elementary
· Issaquah Middle School
· Issaquah Valley Elementary
· Grand Ridge Elementary School
· Endeavour Elementary School
· Sunset Elementary
•學區正在尋找機會擴展這個計劃其中可能包括無肉餐等選擇。在未來幾天的我們將宣布擴展的計劃 。